I have felt pain in my life
I have had many bad things happen to me,
But nothing will ever come close to the dreaded pain that now lives inside of me.
There’s an emptiness, like a deep endless void of nothing
I feel numb and sadness at the same time.
I want to be alone with my grief,
Yet I feel like I’m on an deserted island, whilst in the middle of civilisation.
Where everyone around me is going about their lives, while I’m stuck in that one moment that changed my life, and who I am forever.
To feel overwhelming grief
Yet feel nothing at all,
To feel an inner pain,
Only another grieving mother could know.
To feel like you are dead inside,
Where it’s a struggle to appear happy,
When in reality sadness is in every breath that you take , with every beat of your heart.
Living is a battle in itself,
Because just existing takes everything your soul has to give.
Family and friends can support us,
They can hug us when we cry,
They can say there here for us,
But in the end ,
All we want is our precious child.
To wrap them in our arms ,
Look into their eyes and tell them
We love them.
To hear them call us mum,
To make everything better,
Because that’s a mothers job.
My souls searching for the light
It’s searching for happiness that
has been missing since the day
You my precious son David
Found your peace.
The days that have passed
Even the 15 months that have passed
Have not eased my grief in any way,
Its still sitting there in the depths
of my soul,
Calling out for what it needs to survive,
I torture myself with the questions
I can’t escape the voices in my head,
That tells my heart it needs you,
To make me feel whole again.
Each day when I wake up
I pray this has only been a bad dream ,
That I’ll see your smiling face
looking back at me.
I want to hear your voice
I want to look into your eyes,
And tell you things will get better ,
It might just take a little time.
Sometimes I’ll see one of your friends out having fun and laughing
It glues me to the spot,
It breaks my heart in two.
Because it’s just another reminder
Of what’s missing in my life,
The most precious gift a mother can receive,
That of her precious child.
Love love mum❤️💞
29th May 2022